FredKatkoFred has been researching genealogy since 1974. He credits Charlotte Blevins of Davenport, IA with getting him started. While in Davenport, Fred assisted in the documentation of the Court records through the Scott County Genealogical Society. These records are now in the Davenport Public Library.

Fred moved to Peoria in 1988 and wanted to serve the Society.  And serve he did!  Fred has held many leadership positions in the PCGS board of directors including budget committee, nominating committee, Membership Director, Projects Director, Public Relations Director, and Publications Director.  Fred has taught Beginning Genealogy classes, given Peoria County Courthouse research tours, researched and published Jay Funeral Home Obituary Collection 1935-1980, Ottumwa, Iowa, worked on the St. Mary Cemetery and St. Joseph Cemetery Publications, and indexed the History of Brimfield. He has been one of the researchers for PCGS since 1991. He initially worked with Dorothy O’Day and Dorothy Kramer assisting them in answering research letters. He is still today the PCGS researcher! Fred received the 2010 Illinois State Genealogical Society Award for his years of service to PCGS. Fred says, “It has been a pleasure to help others, both beginner and seasoned genealogists, doing their Peoria County genealogy.”

Please contact Fred at