Gilchrist-Cast Family Collection
The family history collection of Julia Gilchrist was donated to Peoria County Genealogical Society in 1997 after Julia’s death.
“For many decades, genealogy was a consuming pursuit of Julia’s, so I hope her years of dedicated work will be of use to someone,” according to Jeanette G. White, Julia’s sister.
Peoria County Genealogical Society
Finding Aid for Gilchrist-Cast Collection
Summary Information
Creator of the family genealogy donation: Julia Gilchrist, 416 W. Forrest Hill in Peoria, IL.
For many decades, genealogy was a consuming pursuit of Julia Gilchrist (1928-1996). Julia died 6 November 1996 at Proctor Hospital, in Peoria, IL, 68 years of age. She was born 18 Sep 1928 to Theodore & Katharine Wurst Gilchrist. Surviving were two sisters Mrs. Charles A. Jeanette White of Barrington and Angela Gilchrist of Chicago. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Her body was donated to medical science. Memorials were made to Lakeview Museum of the Arts & Sciences. (Obituary: Newsbank online, Peoria Journal Star, 8 Nov 1996, Page C11 retrieved 1 March 2021 kmh).
Acquisition Information:
More than likely PCGS received this donation in 1997 after Julia’s death. A mailing label on one of the boxes was from John Alison Gilchrist. In 2019, volunteers took one large box, one small box, and a file drawer filled with files and organized them into eight 3-ring binders and one box with oversized materials. Volunteers went through the contents and put protective sheets over most of the collection and labeled the contents. The separation by number was done to indicate different folders in the collection.
Access Restrictions: none
Deed of Gift: none found
How to Access: To access this collection, ask the librarian at the Local History/Genealogy Dept (lower level) in the Peoria Public Library Main Branch. You also may be able to prearrange a visit with a PCGS volunteer by using the Contact Us on the website:
Contents: Correspondence, few photos, histories, family group sheets, research, original sources or copies of wills, military records, etc.
Surnames: Gilchrist, Cass, Cast, Marlow, Gilles, Johnson, and others
eight 3-ring binders labeled A-H
1 box with books and oversized materials labeled I
Binder A
1 Gilchrist, Cast, Smith, Townsend, Stout
2 Letters, family group sheet, Bungun, McCaslin & Ashton family book, McPhail Ancestor chart
3 Gilchrist. Research, correspondence 70’s & 80’s, family group sheets, Scotland
4 Gilchrist & Cast. Notes, correspondence, will. Marlow
5 Handwritten narrative Kerm, Cast, Marlow, Johnson, Gilchrist & more
6 Smith, Stout, Higgins, Gilchrist Civil War Record, correspondence, requests of libraries
Binder B
7 Histories counties in New York with bios
8 Correspondence with Inveraray Castle
9 Gilchrist ancestors
10 Stout, Johnson, Smith, Hubbard, Cullen, Schafer & more
11 Riley, Johnson, Cass-Cast, Clark, Smith, Villars, Longheads, Williams. Diaries & family group sheets
12 Laughead/Lawhead. Obits, Civil war transcripts. Copies of original records
13 Gilchrist, Brust, Smith. DAR application, war records
14 Carter, Brush, Stout
15 Marlow. Will & bio
16 Higgins, Brush, Gilchrist, Laughhead. Will, etc.
Binder C
17 Gilchrist correspondence 1968-70s
Binder D
18 Cast, Scholl correspondence & newspaper inside front of binder
19 McNeil, Gilchrist, Scottish Emigrate
20 Ashley
21 Villars, photos
22 Cass photos, Kilnaughton
23 Cast
24 Gilchrist, Lachlan
25 1986 letter, Tom Gilles photo, Gilchrist, Grand Prairie, History of Elk County, PA
26 Cast, Drumm, inside back cover Salem’s History & History of Salem
Binder E
27 Cast pedigree, Bullen
28 Brown-will, Nancy Johnson-will, Redd-will
29 Simeon Smith will, John Fuller, Dalby, Ephraim Smith will & family tree
30 Webb, Horace the hare, pencil drawing in front cover
31 Newspaper articles-Greenwich Journal, McGeoch, Dillon, McDougall, Williamson, Williams
32 Gilles Correspondence, Somonauk, U Pres Church
33 Gilchrist & Gillis correspondence, family group sheet
34 Ezekial Cast, will, Mary Baldwin-will, photo Cast home, Higgins ancestors of Cast
35 Bee, Marlow, McAusla, Gilchrist, Stout, Spencer, Prince, Riley, Whitebrand, Lockhead
36 Robinson, Gilchrist
37 Kirkyard, Gilchrist, Campbell, McLean, McFaayer, Scotland
38 Old Killnachton Cemetery Scotland, Kildalton, Scotland Burial Group
Binder F
39 Daniel McAllister, Gilchrist, descendants, correspondence
40 Daniel Gilchrist, Martin Gilchrist, family letters, Gilchrist & Leronard Family tree
41 Gilchrist, Nightingate, Albrecht, Watters, Bewn, Bennett, Marlow,
Lawhead, Miner, Budd, Hall, Heistings, Sherman Whelden, Harwood, Fellows, McDermott, Briggs, Land Sales, deed, estate wills, original records
42 Gilchrist. Photos, Gillis, Childs, handing, McGinn, McLane, Doremus, Cast, Johanson/Johnson, Kibbey, Villers, Knott, Stouder, Harding, Campbell, Crandail, Patten, Colin, Delinder
43 Smith
44 Gilchrist photo, letter. Cass. Sommers. Zerbe, Stout, Jervis, Hissis
45 Correspondence with libraries
Binder G
46 Kilnaughton, Lawrence, Villers, cast, etc family group sheets, correspondence, cemetery, Marriage Bonds of Ohio-Gilchrist
47 LaPorte County Cemetery (Indiana) Gilchrist tree
48 Gilchrist History/Bio
49 Correspondence with Betty Hoyle, family group sheet, Parkmen, Cast, Scottish Record, Villers, Court Records, Gilchrist, Longhhead, Robinson, Wurst
50 Johnston, Aquilaa. Copies of original records. Kilarrow, Alvord, Cast,Gilchrist — civil war record, Kilchoman commissariot of the Isles
Binder H
51 Villars, Original records copies, Cast, Marlow wills, birth certificate, etc, Johnson will, Gilchrist, 1st Presbyterian Church of Cranbury records, Stout, Servis, Family group sheets, Cass, letters & articles, back pocket Rev. War Cemetery (NY)
Box I
Gilchrist journal – some $ entries, mostly crochet patterns, Qty 2 of 1923 University of Illinois Faculty & Senior Class Graduation, leather, Surname book (2), Source Notebook, Bag of letters, Gilles/Gilchrist family group sheets, 2 large family portraits (same), Thanksgiving 1913 at Netties, also 19114. Photos are too large for the box
Created from Society of American Archivists by Kim Hanks,, recommended by The Archive Lady and reviewed by IL State Archives, January 2019